5 Top Tips for creating a realistic financial plan

Creating a realistic financial plan is an essential aspect of developing a successful business plan. A financial plan outlines the costs, revenue projections, and cash flow for your business, helping you to determine the feasibility of your business idea and identify any potential challenges.

  • Develop a Budget
    The first tip is to develop a budget. A budget is a financial plan that outlines the expected income and expenses for your business over a specific period. A budget can help you to identify potential financial challenges and ensure that you are allocating your resources effectively. You should create a budget that is realistic and based on accurate financial data. This means gathering information about your startup costs, ongoing expenses, and revenue projections. Your budget should also include a contingency plan in case of unexpected expenses or changes in the market.


  • Identify Your Funding Needs
    The second tip for creating a realistic financial plan is to identify your funding needs. Depending on the size and scope of your business, you may need to secure funding from investors, lenders, or other sources. To identify your funding needs, you should determine your startup costs and ongoing expenses. Brad Sugars, founder and CEO of ActionCOACH, recommends identifying your funding needs early on in the business planning process. By doing so, you can ensure that you have the necessary resources to get your business off the ground and achieve your goals.
  • Create Realistic Revenue Projections
    The third tip is to create realistic revenue projections. Revenue projections are estimates of the income that your business will generate over a specific period. Revenue projections should be based on market research, industry trends, and your business’s unique value proposition. Overly optimistic revenue projections can lead to financial challenges down the line and undermine the success of your business.


  • Monitor Your Cash Flow
    The fourth tip is to monitor your cash flow. Cash flow is the amount of cash that your business has on hand at any given time. Monitoring your cash flow can help you to identify potential challenges and ensure that you have the necessary resources to meet your expenses. Brad emphasises the importance of monitoring your cash flow regularly. This can help businesses to identify potential cash flow challenges early on and take steps to address them before they become major issues.
  • Revise Your Financial Plan Regularly
    The fifth and final tip for creating a realistic financial plan is to revise it regularly. A financial plan is a living document that should be updated regularly as your business evolves. As you gather more data about your expenses, revenue, and cash flow, you can adjust your financial plan accordingly. Revising your financial plan regularly can help businesses to stay on track and adjust to changes in the market. It can also help to identify areas of opportunity and take advantage of new revenue streams.


25 tips for developing your business plan

Who is ActionCOACH’s Business Coach Mark Dilks?

Mark Dilks is an accomplished business leader, experienced coach, mentor and business builder. He supports business owners, executives and teams across Milton Keynes, Bedford, Northampton, Luton & Dunstable in all aspects of building profitable high growth businesses; from start-up phase all the way through to maturity and divestment. No matter what challenges you are facing, Mark will invariably have encountered a similar situation previously and will be able to support you to quickly and efficiently overcome your business hurdles by sharing examples of how other business have solved similar problems that you are experiencing. He is motivated, driven, tenacious and is able to get the very best out of all the resources available to his clients and to ensure that the maximum results possible are achieved.