5 Top Tips for leading by example

James Kerr’s “Legacy” and Monte Wyatt’s leadership insights provide valuable lessons for anyone looking to improve their leadership skills. Leading by example is a key aspect of effective leadership. When leaders model the behaviour they want to see in their team members, they set a positive tone and inspire their team to follow suit. Monte Wyatt, a leadership expert, emphasises the importance of leading by example and being a role model for your team.

  • Set the Tone:
    As a leader, it’s important to set the tone for your team. Demonstrate the behaviour you want to see in your team members, such as being punctual, respectful, and hardworking. By setting the example, you establish expectations for your team and create a culture of accountability.


  • Show Empathy:
    Good leaders should also demonstrate empathy towards their team members. This means listening actively, being understanding of their concerns, and showing compassion when needed. When leaders demonstrate empathy, they build trust with their team members and create a positive work environment.
  • Communicate Effectively:
    Effective communication is key to leading by example. Leaders should be clear and concise in their communication, ensuring that team members understand expectations and goals. They should also be open to feedback and encourage team members to share their thoughts and ideas.


  • Take Responsibility:
    Good leaders take responsibility for their actions and decisions. They admit when they are wrong, and they work to make things right. When leaders take responsibility, they model accountability and set an example for their team members to follow.
  • Continue Learning:
    Effective leaders are always looking for ways to improve themselves and their leadership skills. They seek out learning opportunities, such as attending conferences or taking courses, and they encourage their team members to do the same. By continuing to learn, leaders set an example of growth and development for their team members.

Leading by example is an essential component of effective leadership. By taking inspiration from the insights of Monte Wyatt, leaders can model the behaviour they want to see in their team members, creating a positive work environment and inspiring their team to achieve common goals.



25 Lessons in Leadership For Business Owners

Who is ActionCOACH’s Business Coach Mark Dilks?

Mark Dilks is an accomplished business leader, experienced coach, mentor and business builder. He supports business owners, executives and teams across Milton Keynes, Bedford, Northampton, Luton & Dunstable in all aspects of building profitable high growth businesses; from start-up phase all the way through to maturity and divestment. No matter what challenges you are facing, Mark will invariably have encountered a similar situation previously and will be able to support you to quickly and efficiently overcome your business hurdles by sharing examples of how other business have solved similar problems that you are experiencing. He is motivated, driven, tenacious and is able to get the very best out of all the resources available to his clients and to ensure that the maximum results possible are achieved.