How to implement follow-up techniques that drive repeat business

In the dynamic world of business, effective follow-up and communication are instrumental in securing not just a sale, but a lasting relationship with your customers. Brad Sugars, a distinguished entrepreneur and business coach, delves into the significance of follow-up strategies in his enlightening book, “Instant Repeat Business.” Let’s explore five strategies inspired by Brad’s insights to implement robust follow-up and communication techniques that drive repeat business and foster a loyal customer base.

  • Leverage Automation for Consistent Outreach:
    Brad Sugars’ “Instant Repeat Business” advocates for leveraging automation to maintain consistent follow-up. Utilise customer relationship management (CRM) systems or email marketing platforms to automate follow-up communications. This ensures that your customers receive timely updates, offers, and relevant information without overwhelming your team. Automation also allows you to personalise messages based on customer behaviour and preferences, enhancing the effectiveness of your follow-up efforts.


  • Segment Your Customer Base for Targeted Communication:
    Understanding that not all customers are the same is crucial for effective follow-up. Brad Sugars emphasises the importance of segmenting your customer base based on various criteria like purchase history, preferences, or demographics. Tailor your follow-up communication to each segment, ensuring that the information you provide is relevant and meaningful to them. Personalised communication demonstrates that you value each customer individually, fostering a sense of connection and encouraging repeat business.
  • Implement a Structured Follow-Up Calendar:
    Creating a structured follow-up calendar, as suggested in “Instant Repeat Business,” is a strategic approach to maintain regular communication with your customers. Plan out follow-up touch points at various intervals after a purchase or interaction, ensuring that you’re consistently engaging with your customers. Whether it’s a thank-you email, a check-in call, or a personalised offer, having a well-organised follow-up calendar helps you stay on track and nurture customer relationships effectively.
  • Request and Utilise Customer Feedback:
    Brad Sugars highlights the value of customer feedback in “Instant Repeat Business.” Actively seek feedback from your customers after a purchase or interaction. Utilise their insights to understand their experience and areas for improvement. Acknowledge feedback, whether positive or negative, and show your customers that their opinions matter. Making improvements based on feedback not only enhances your service but also demonstrates your commitment to providing an exceptional customer experience, enticing customers to return.


  • Maintain a Human Touch in Follow-Up:
    While automation is valuable, preserving a human touch is equally important. Brad Sugars advocates for personalised and genuine follow-up in “Instant Repeat Business.” Even automated messages can be crafted to feel personal and authentic. Use the customer’s name, refer to their previous interactions, and address their specific needs. Additionally, encourage your team to engage in sincere conversations with customers, making them feel valued and appreciated, and leaving a positive impression that encourages repeat business.

Brad Sugars’ “Instant Repeat Business” underscores the critical role of effective follow-up and communication in driving repeat business. By leveraging automation, segmenting your customer base, implementing a structured follow-up calendar, seeking customer feedback, and maintaining a human touch, you can create a follow-up strategy that nurtures customer relationships and boosts repeat business. Start implementing these strategies and witness the transformation of your customer engagement and retention.



25 Ways to Drive Repeat Business

Who is ActionCOACH Milton Keynes’s Business Coach Mark Dilks?

Mark Dilks is an accomplished business leader, experienced coach, mentor and business builder. He supports business owners, executives and teams across Milton Keynes, Bedford, Northampton, Luton & Dunstable in all aspects of building profitable high growth businesses; from start-up phase all the way through to maturity and divestment. No matter what challenges you are facing, Mark will invariably have encountered a similar situation previously and will be able to support you to quickly and efficiently overcome your business hurdles by sharing examples of how other business have solved similar problems that you are experiencing. He is motivated, driven, tenacious and is able to get the very best out of all the resources available to his clients and to ensure that the maximum results possible are achieved.